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Streetwear Unisex Minimalist Utility Jacket

Streetwear Unisex Minimalist Utility Jacket

Fuga Studios
Обычная цена €124,99
включены налоги.

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This is not sold in stores, and there is very limited quantity.

Introducing the Streetwear Unisex Minimalist Utility Jacket, featuring three stylish color options - black, gray, and khaki. This versatile jacket is suitable for all individuals and comes in sizes M, L, XL, and XXL, with a loose fit for maximum comfort. Made with high-quality polyester fiber, this jacket is perfect for everyday leisure activities and is perfect for the autumn season. The long sleeves and street fashion style add a touch of sophistication to this must-have jacket.

Streetwear Unisex Minimalist Utility Jacket


  • über 10.000 zufriedene Kunden

  • Kostenloser Versand ab 169€

  • 14 Tage Rückgaberecht

  • Weltweiter Versand

  • Über uns

    Fūga Studios

    Fūga Studios bringt geschlechtsneutrale Streetwear aus Berlin zu dir. Unsere Designs vereinen koreanische und japanische Einflüsse mit einem modernen, urbanen Touch.

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Стандартная доставка: 4-9 рабочих дней

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